The Association will be providing mulch for use by Rosetta Canyon residents. The mulch will be delivered on Tuesday, April 28. Mulch will be delivered at the end of Elsinore Hills Road past Sunsprite and at the end of Steele Valley in front of the park area. The mulch is provided at no cost for resident use. Residents are responsible for picking up and transporting the mulch to their homes. Mulch can be used to refresh areas of mulch that you may already have, but please remember that if you plan to use the mulch to make any changes in the appearance of your landscape, you are required to submit an application and receive written approval from the Design Review Committee prior to making any changes. Mulch is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, keep the soil cool, and make the garden bed look more attractive. Should you arrive to pickup mulch while someone else is there, please remember to maintain social distancing. Happy gardening!
The Covid-19 (Corona) virus has created challenges for not only community associations, but everyone across the country and world. The health and welfare of community members is of paramount importance to the Board of Directors and its Management. It is clear that our day to day lives today are far different from just a short time ago. The Board is sensitive to the changes that this has created. We hope that this passes quickly.
In the meantime, the Board of Directors voted to not assess the monthly dues for the month of May 2020. Here are a few things to know for those that are setup on automatic payments: Billpay If you setup on auto pay directly with your bank, you will need to contact the bank and have them cancel the month of May. If you do not, you will have a credit balance on your account. Paylease If you are setup through Paylease, you will need to login through and make sure you skip the month. If you need login information, please contact [email protected]. Avalon Offered ACH If you are setup on ACH through Avalon, you will need to do nothing. Avalon will skip the month of May and resume withdrawal in June. As your City Manager since 2012 and having lived in the valley since 1991, I wanted to share with you some thoughts and observations during these most difficult of times. During these years, I have seen the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly and as we sit here today in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have to say that I have never been more proud of our City. We have been through so much these past few years with the Holy Fire, Holy Floods, massive fish kills, and the Poppy Super Bloom. Each of these situations has challenged us in so many ways and now we are faced with COVID-19.
This pandemic emergency has affected everyone. We understand the feelings of fear and uncertainty for our future that everyone is experiencing right now. Please know that Mayor Tisdale, Mayor Pro Tem Magee, and Council Members Johnson, Manos, and Sheridan are actively engaged in this emergency and are providing outstanding leadership behind the scenes. The City’s role in a pandemic emergency is to adhere to and support the decisions of Riverside County’s Public Health Officer. I also want you to know that Mayor Tisdale is working tirelessly in his full-time job as an Emergency Planner for Riverside County. In fact, the first time I met Mayor Tisdale was in 1997 when we conducted a pandemic planning exercise. I mention this to assure you that we have been preparing for an emergency like this for years. Please rest assured that your local leadership is doing everything we can today and every day to help get us through this difficult time, while also planning for future recovery efforts. We want you to know that while City Hall is currently closed to the public, we continue to conduct all City business with requisite precautions, including social distancing and increased reliance on technology. We will continue to provide the service you have come to expect at City Hall and work hard to provide you with information that is relevant and timely. Please utilize the City’s website,, for information as we are linked directly to Riverside County’s Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Their websites are and, respectively. We have opened a Citizen Self Service Portal (virtual City Hall) and a Virtual Recreation Portal to help keep Lake Elsinore residents active during these stay at home orders. Please call or email us with your service requests and we will continue to do our best to meet your needs. Also, don’t forget to download the Alert LE Mobile App to report your concerns to be shared and tracked by your field teams. As we face the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, the strength of our community is measured by many factors. One measure of how a community is doing during an emergency is crime statistics. For the first two months of this year, crime is down overall 8% and when we compare the most serious crimes from March of 2019 to March 2020, crime is down 22%. Also, please know the Fire Department continues to provide the highest quality service during this emergency. Finally, as we focus on the personal health of our community members, I also want to report that our Lake level is the highest it has been in years and with the coming rain next week, we are hoping to add more water to our most precious natural resource – the Lake. We urge you to continue to adhere to the message of staying home while utilizing social distancing and wearing masks when you leave your home for essential services and activities. In closing, please take care of one another, be respectful, patient and kind, and stay connected with us for future updates. Sincerely, Grant Yates City Manager |
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August 2021